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Rash guards Boys


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Why is it important to wear a rash guard for surfing?

Rash guard is a type of long sleeved shirt that is commonly worn as a base layer for outdoor activities. A UV t shirt is a type of clothing designed to protect against the harmful effects of the suns ultraviolet UV rays. UV t shirts are made from specially treated fabric that has a UPF Ultraviolet Protection Factor rating.
A short sleeve rash guard is a type of tight fitting shirt designed for water activities such as surfing, swimming, or snorkeling. A short sleeve rash guard is typically made from a stretchy and quick drying fabric.
A rash guard is a type of athletic shirt designed to protect the wearer´s skin from abrasions, rashes, and sunburn while engaging in water sports such as surfing, swimming, and diving. You can buy skin rash guards from Jobe, O´neill wetsuits, Rip Curl, Roxy, and Quiksilver.
Wearing a rash guard for surfing is important for several reasons, as it provides various benefits that enhance your comfort and safety while riding the waves. Here are some key reasons why surfers wear rash guards:
Protection from the sun: Rash guards are designed with UPF Ultraviolet Protection Factor ratings to block the harmful effects of the sun´s ultraviolet UV rays. They act as a physical barrier against UV radiation, reducing the risk of sunburn and long term skin damage. Extended exposure to the sun without protection can lead to skin cancer, premature aging, and other skin related issues.
Abrasion resistance: Surfboards, wax, and other equipment can be abrasive to the skin, leading to chafing or rashes, particularly in high impact areas like the chest and back. Rash guards provide a protective layer that minimizes friction and irritation while paddling and riding waves.
Jellyfish and marine life protection: In some surf locations, especially in tropical waters, there is a risk of encountering jellyfish, sea lice, or other stinging marine organisms. A rash guard can provide a barrier against their stings and reduce the chance of painful encounters.
Warmth and insulation: Rash guards provide a bit of insulation and warmth, which can be especially useful in cooler water conditions. They help retain body heat and prevent you from getting too cold, allowing you to stay comfortable during longer surf sessions.
Enhanced comfort: The snug fit and stretchy fabric of rash guards reduce drag and make it easier to paddle, swim, and move on your board. They also wick away moisture and dry quickly, keeping you comfortable and less prone to chills.
Preventing wax and sand rash: Surfboards are coated with surf wax to provide grip, but this can cause discomfort or rashes when pressed against your skin. Rash guards offer protection from the wax and also prevent sand and debris from getting trapped between your skin and the board.
Visibility: Rash guards are available in various colors and patterns, making you more visible in the water. This is not only a safety feature, allowing you to be spotted more easily by lifeguards and other surfers, but it´s also a stylish way to express your personality.
Reduced board slip: Rash guards with a grippy texture can help provide better traction when lying on your board, making it less likely to slide off when you catch a wave.
Hygiene: Wearing a rash guard minimizes direct contact between your skin and the shared foam surface of a rental board, which can harbor bacteria and germs.
Modesty and comfort: Rash guards offer modesty for those who prefer not to expose their skin in public. They are a comfortable option for surfers who might feel self conscious about their body or tattoos.
